Pesticides for Mullein Bug (Campylomma)

Stage of Development: Petal fall or Calyx
Recommended Product Choices Grp1 Amount per REI2 PHI3 (days) Precautions and Notes
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thiacloprid (Calypso) 284294145-290 mL59-117 mL12 h30Do not apply more than once/season. See note below regarding repeated use. Spray interval: 14 to 21 days.
acetamiprid (Assail) 27128480-160 g32-64 g12 h-6 days7Will also control aphids. Do not apply more than once/season. See note below regarding repeated use. Do not apply during bloom. Spray interval - 12 days. REIs of 2 days for scouting and 6 days is for thinning.
sulfoxaflor (Closer) 308264C400 mL162 mL12 h7Do not apply during bloom or when flowering weeds are present. Do not apply more than 2 times per season. Spray interval: minimum 7 days.
tetraniliprole (Vayego 200 SC) 3371128300 ml121 ml12 hours7 daysSuppression only. Max 3 applications per year. Toxic to bees. Do not apply during pre-bloom or blooming period. Apply post-bloom only.
acetamiprid + novaluron (Cormoran) 333534 + 15840 - 1260 ml340 - 510 ml12 hrs to 7 days14 daysDo not apply more than 6.9 L/ha. Spray interval - 12 days. REIs: 7 days for thinning, 12 hours for all other activities.
Notes: Avoid using Group 4 products more than once/season for Campylomma and more than twice/season for all other registered uses to prevent mite problems. Ensure thorough coverage. Fruit greater than 12 mm diameter are not affected by campylomma feeding. Apply as early in petal fall as possible without risk of harming pollinating insects foraging in the trees or flowering ground cover.

Stage of Development: Petal fall or Calyx

Mullein Bug (Campylomma)

6 Product Choices

1 Notes

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1Group number for resistance management. NC = not classified.
2Re-entry interval on the label. An asterisk(*) indicates that no re-entry is shown on the label, but the WorkSafe BC re-entry interval may apply and is shown.
3Pre-harvest interval. Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.